save 14% on your custom brand or website project when you book by feb. 28th! only two available.

rebrand and showit website for a leadership coach

circles of leadership

Circles of Leadership unites executive knowledge with roundtable sessions to bridge the gap in the leadership journey. After 40+ years of running businesses, Dan Raker now leads leadership development coaching through Circles of Leadership.

Dan wanted a website and rebrand that represented the value his coaching brings to CEOs and executives. With professional in mind, we created a new website and a brand identity that played off of the business name and roundtable sessions. We added custom spinning circle CSS to the website and designed a custom circle texture for his collateral. See the site for yourself here.


leadership coach

brand strategy
brand identity
collateral design
showit website


circles of leadership: a personal board of advisors


Emma helped us tell our story by aligning our raw material with the values and tone we've been hoping to convey. EMMA HAS A KNACK FOR DRAWING OUT WHAT CLIENTS WANT AND NEED AND THEN THOUGHTFULLY OPENING NEW AND BETTER POSSIBILITIES. With Emma and Saltd Studio, you are not just hiring someone to put out a new website. You are gaining a valuable member of your marketing and market positioning team.

ready to transform and breathe life into your business?

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